Section E7 Council of Chiefs

Eastern Region Section 7 is comprised of 10 lodges. The three Section Officers preside and each Chief has a seat on the E7 Council of Chiefs which meets every November and multiple times at the Section Conclave. Section Coordinators also sit on the Council of Chiefs but do not have a vote.

Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge Chief: Bennett Tollison

Bob White Lodge Chief: Michael Tiedman

Catawba Lodge Chief: William Newman

Eswau Huppeday Lodge Chief: Andrew Salisbury

Itibapishe Iti Hollo Lodge Chief: Conner Chatari

Muscogee Lodge Chief: Grace Franklin

Santee Lodge Chief: Thomas Serviss

Skyuka Lodge Chief: Cannon Herring

Tsali Lodge Chief: Alice Brown

Unali’Yi Lodge Chief: Andrew Britz