link-symbol-of-two-chains-links-linked_318-50708A new program started in the fall of 2016, LINK functions as a way to further tighten the bonds of brotherhood within Section SR-5. LINK has been combined with the Lodge Leader Forum to create a bridge for lodges to share ideas and have continual improvement throughout the next century of the Order. To better facilitate this program, lodges were given access to a Google Drive folder.

In this unique package, you will find:

  • LINK resources from the 2016 Section Officers Seminar
  • A library of SR-5 history books
  • SR-5 Brotherhood and Eagle Scout congratulatory letters
  • An archive of best practices from around the country
  • JTE statistics and data from 2015
  • SR-5 Planbook
  • Section SR-5 Operations Guide
  • A recap of the Lodge Leader Forum
  • Petitions for 2016 National Awards and the 2017 Service Grant
  • Training resources from NEXT: A New Century
  • Promo pack for OAHA and Operation Arrow

Another important item present in this package which we wish to point out is the LINK Lodge Mentoring roster. Very often, we find some lodges in our section are extremely strong in certain practices compared to others. For example, my lodge (Atta Kulla Kulla) has struggled to revive our drum/sing team. To heal this, we are kick-starting a brand new mentoring program in the section as a part of LINK. In this roster, knowledgeable individuals are listed for various “pain point” areas. If you struggle in a certain area, your lodge leadership can utilize this document to communicate with those individuals/ lodges for help. Please feel free to add to this roster any individuals who you believe can help our lodges. As it’s often said, strong chapters make strong lodges. In the same manner, we’re stronger when we work to help one another.

As stated at SOS, the section is not simply a geographic chunk of the country where we gather once a year for a conclave. Through LINK, the section has the potential to build new bridges between lodges and spark new friendships between the leaders of our lodges. LINK is an incredible step into this next century of the Order and we hope you’ll take full advantage of the limitless possibilities. WWW

With excitement for the future,

Matthew Watson | 2016-2017 SR-5 Section Chief

Google Drive Folder: