SR-5 Council of Chiefs | New Year Update

newsGreetings brothers,

In this update, I have outlined several key reminders for our section as we make headway into 2017.

Report on the National Planning Meeting

It was an absolute honor and privilege to represent SR-5 at the National Planning Meeting. While I was there, several key actions were carried out:

  • I’m thankful I wasn’t eligible (due to age) this year because I could see the stress many of my close friends throughout the country were facing that first night of the National Planning Meeting. Over the course of the meeting, I took part in the elections for the 2017 National Chief (Forrest Gertin), the 2017 National Vice Chief (Talon Parker), and the 2017 Southern Region Chief (Harrison Fry). Prior to the meeting, I contacted each lodge chief individually to get their input on the qualities they would like to see in the next leadership. I’m happy to report that after carefully casting my ballot for each election, everyone our section’s vote went towards ended up winning in the end! Further information on the new officers can be found here:
  • Later after the primary elections, we then conducted elections for the National Jamboree officers that will be tasked with leading Operation Arrow. I’m humbled and thrilled to let everyone know that I was chosen to serve as the Jamboree Vice Chief of the Indian Village. I really appreciate all of the kind words of encouragement and support – it means the world to me! SR-5 is strongly rooted in our AIA traditions and I look forward to working with so many amazing individuals from SR-5 and around the country to share our passion for the American Indian culture with Scouts attending the Jamboree. More information on the JVC roles can be found here:
  • With that out of the way, much of the planning for the Order’s role at the National Jamboree was conducted. Throughout NPM, the key leadership of Operation Arrow gathered and as for the more intimate planning I’ve collaborated on with the new national officers and JVC’s, I can confidently say this next Jamboree will be the best yet!
  • While at NPM, the Jamboree Shows team approached us requesting help finding Arrowmen who can perform the parts they need in front of 25,000-40,000 Scouts at the arena shows. It can be any Youth member so please spread the word out to your lodges. Instructions have been attached to this email.
  • One big update at the National Planning Meeting was a new American Indian seminar that is being hosted by Philmont this summer. I should note that the lodge chief with the highest registration in the region will receive a Pendleton blanket! More information can be found here:
  • And finally, one big item that should be brought to your attention is the LLD revamp. The program is being completely reworked from the ground up with new content. More information on that can be found here:

Welcome from the Southern Region Chief

To the Arrowman of SR-5,

I am very excited to serve the Southern Region this year in the role of Region Chief. I hope to provide support to the eleven sections that make up our region through reaching out to section chiefs like Matthew Watson and helping them in any way possible. I also hope to provide leadership in our three NLS sessions, the section officers seminar, and the Jamboree this year.

I encourage all of you to sign up for Operation Arrow, to provide an unforgettable service to the youth of the BSA this July, and for each lodge to send at least one delegate to Wachipi, an AIA seminar held at Philmont this summer, to help build an accurate program within your lodge.

I hope to see you all through the year, whether it be at NLS or a local event. If you’d like to reach out to me, please feel free to contact me at

I look forward to what the year holds for each of us!

Yours in Service,

Harrison D. Fry

2017 Southern Region Chief

Update from Section Vice Chief Nick Zanzot

Hello SR-5!

As we are getting closer to our Dixie Fellowship, I would like to once again thank all of you for your service. It is your hard work that will make this the best Dixie Fellowship ever!

Also, Lodge Chiefs, if you have not done so already, please send me your State of the Lodge Report. We still need around 3 more Reports. As soon as we get all of them in, the sooner our Section Planbook will be completed.

I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday season and a Happy New Year to all!

Update from Training Coordinator Alex Summers

Hey everyone,

I hope you all had a great winter break! It is now time for things to start moving with Training. Lodge Chiefs: All trainer contact information and changes to training topics are due by January 14.  All you have to do is fill in the following Google Sheet:

Update from Shows Coordinator Jakob Helderman


With Dixie swiftly approaching, I would like to remind you all to please be uploading pictures to our Dropbox folder so that they can be used in the opening night video the Shows Productions Team is putting together. Please remember that all pictures should be only from your lodge events that have taken place in the months following the conclusion of the 2016 Dixie. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact me at The link for the Dropbox folder is attached below. Until we meet again, remember to keep the Fire burning Cheerfully!

In Spirited Service,

Jakob Helderman

SR-5 Shows Coordinator

Update on the Carolina’s Indian Seminar

This month, our very own Eswau Huppeday Lodge is hosting their annual Carolina’s Indian Seminar. This is going to be an incredible weekend of instruction, dance, crafts, fun, and fellowship. If you are an AIA veteran who has been singing and dancing for years or if you just want to see what all the hype about American Indian Activities in the Order of the Arrow is all about, this is the weekend for you! Eswau has gathered some of the greatest instructors from all over the country to teach skills from advanced dancing to flint-napping and everything in between. Don’t miss out on this event. More information can be found at


Thomas Colton
Special Events Coordinator

Final Words from the Chief

I am extremely excited to let everyone know that one of my very close friends and our new National Vice Chief, Talon Parker, has accepted my invitation to join us at the 2017 Dixie Fellowship! He has always wanted to attend and lucky for him, he’ll be at the best one yet! With that said, there is no better time than now to amp up the promotions for Dixie. Please continue to use all of the D-PRO resources ( and also sell as much of the pre-order items as possible (don’t forget about the NEW SR-5 Belt Buckle!). Let’s work together to make this the largest Dixie Fellowship ever!

As always, keep the Arrow aimed high! Please do not ever hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. WWW

In the Spirit of our Founders,

Matthew Watson | SR-5 Section Chief